Peace Poster Contest Archives

Fairfax Lions Recognize Peace Poster Winners

Posted on January 3, 2015Comments are off

The Fairfax Host Lions Club recognized two Peace Poster Contest winners on December 2 and will recognize a third on January 6. Winners are:

Bailey Redler - Lanier Middle School

Bailey Redler – Lanier Middle School

Seungmin Lee - Rocky Run Middle School

Seungmin Lee – Rocky Run Middle School

Hailey Steen - Stone Middle School

Hailey Steen – Stone Middle School

Each winner received a certificate and a $50 bill.

Bailey’s, Seungmin’s, and Hailey’s posters were among more than 375,000 entries submitted worldwide in the 27th annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest. Lions Clubs sponsor the contest to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people.

Winning posters were selected on the basis of originality, artistic merit, and portrayal of the contest theme, “Peace, Love, and Understanding.”

FHLC Peace Poster chairperson Lion Jeff Root said he was impressed by the expression and creativity exhibited in the three posters. “It is obvious that Bailey, Seungmin, and Hailey have strong ideas about what peace means to them. I’m pleased that the Fairfax Lions were able to provide these students with the opportunity to share their visions.”

Peace Poster winners Seungmin Lee (Rocky Run Middle School) and Hailey Steen (Stone Middle School) display their winning Peace Posters and certificates with Lion Jeff Root, FHLC Peace Poster Chairperson.

Peace Poster winners Seungmin Lee (Rocky Run Middle School) and Hailey Steen (Stone Middle School) display their winning Peace Posters and certificates with Lion Jeff Root, FHLC Peace Poster Chairperson.

Congratulations to Bailey, Seungmin, and Hailey!
