Fairfax Lions collect used eyeglasses and deliver them to the Northern VA Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center. Fairfax Lions join other volunteers at one of these recycling centers to clean, polish, classify, sort, and box donated eyeglasses. They are then distributed free-of-charge to needy individuals around the world – typically via medical mission teams (with the assistance of an optometrist on the team or at the distant location).
Donated hearing aids are taken to the District 24-L Virginia Lions Hearing Aid Bank Foundation where they are refurbished and provided to needy individuals typically through collaboration between the Foundation, several local hearing aid doctors, Fairfax County Health Department, and a local Lions Club.
It doesn’t take much effort to drop off that old pair of spectacles or hearing aids at your local business or Lions Club. Even if you don’t wear eyeglasses or hearing aids, please encourage others to donate them. This small gesture can make a world of difference.
Through the generosity of the following businesses and agencies, the Fairfax Lions Club maintains eyeglass and hearing aid collection boxes. Please bring your used eyeglasses to one of these locations and help us in this very worthy project.
You can find a collection box at these locations…