Archive for May, 2016

Fairfax Lions Help Move the Lamb Center

Posted on May 30, 2016Comments are off

As a special project, 5 Lions and 3 Lions family members worked on Saturday May 28, to help move the Lamb Center.

Marty - LC move

Fairfax Lion Marty Lockard leads Lion service project

Overall, about 50 total volunteers and Lamb Center staff spent Saturday afternoon moving the Lamb Center from leased space to the permanent new home on Campbell Drive.   The 4 hour job was made easier by having many volunteers help, and the loan of a large cargo truck from Central Union Mission in Washington, DC.

The Lamb Center reopens May 31st, Tuesday morning, at 8:00AM, at the new location at 3160 Campbell Drive, Fairfax, VA.  The community is invited to the Grand Opening Open House on Sunday, June 26th from 1:00 – 5:00pm.

Chairwoman of the Lamb Center Speaks to Fairfax Lions

Posted on May 18, 2016Comments are off

At the Lions dinner meeting on May 17, 2016, Mrs. Kelly Johnson talked about the Lamb Center operations: about 31,000 guest visits each year – about 106 guests per day.  And, guest numbers are increasing.  It opened in 1992 to serve the poor and homeless in central Fairfax.  With the support of about 100 local churches, It is a daytime drop-in shelter offering hot meals, showers, haircuts, laundry, and a variety of counselors.  It is a place where someone knows each guest’s name and cares about them. The Center has raised over $4 million to purchase their new facility which offers much more space for guest care, training, and storage.  The visiting nurse will even have an office.  Kelly said Fairfax Lions might consider 3 things to help: support with prayer, volunteer – June 26 open house is a great start point, and consider attending the October fund raising dinner.

Fairfax Lions donated charity funds this year to the Center, and it will likely be a budget decision for next year.

Kelly JohnsonMrs Kelly Johnson speaks to Fairfax Lions

National Federationof the Blind BELL Camp

Posted on May 4, 2016Comments are off

Tracy Sofoenko, 1st VP of the National Federation of the Blind of VA spoke to Fairfax Lions on May 3rd. The topic was the recent BELL (Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning) camp for blind children. Fairfax Lions Club supports this program.  At camp, the children find role models, learn to use technology and tools for independent living and life success, and build resume skills.  We saw a video on the camp – it was great that our club was acknowledged in the credits for our donation supporting the camp.FullSizeRender

Fairfax Lions Club thanks Tracy Sofoenko for his presentation

Fairfax Lions Clean up Pickett Road

Posted on May 1, 2016Comments are off

One of our annual Service Projects is to clean up the city street we adopted – Pickett Road (the section North of the post office).

Photo of our work crew on Saturday, April 30, 2016…


Please read our report at:  Road Kill news