Archive for May, 2018

Vision Screening for Older Americans Month

Posted on May 3, 2018Comments are off

Fairfax Lions performed free vision screening at the “Older Americans Month” Open House in Fairfax City’s Senior Center on May 2nd 2018.

The screening featured a discussion of the “SPOT” camera system we use, and the usefulness of the screen results. We screened 10 individuals, and referred one for a complete eye examination.

Lions President Discusses Screening Process

Reviewing Screening Results



Canned Food Drive

Posted on May 1, 2018Comments are off

The school year will end soon, and area food banks face a critical shortage of food as they try to feed families in need with school-age children.

For several years, Fairfax Lions have collected shelf-safe food items and delivered the items to Food for Others (a local food bank). We’ll be doing that again this year.

Please bring non-perishable items to the Lions Club dinner meetings on either May 1 or May 15, 630pm, American Legion Post 177 (upper level), 3939 Oak Street, Fairfax, VA, 22030.  

Check the “Use BY” date on each item to make sure it’s current. As a guide, please see a list (below) of the most needed items. Other food items will also be accepted.

Food for Others most needed items include:

  • Peanut Butter
  • Canned meat (chicken, beef, turkey, or seafood)
  • Rice (16oz bags)
  • Macaroni and Cheese
  • Canned fruit (packed in 100% fruit juice)
  • Beans (dried or canned)
  • Canned Stew or Chili
  • Pasta and Pasta Sauce
  • 100% Fruit Juice

Thank you; We Serve Our Community!