Thousands of local children have almost nothing to eat between their Friday lunch and Monday breakfast meals provided at school.
Fairfax Lions are collecting food for those kids, so they do not go hungry on weekends and arrive at school on Monday well-fed and ready to learn. WILL YOU DONATE FOOD – in POWER-PACKS (see below), on these Fridays: 3/26/21; 4/9/21; 4/23/21; 5/7/21; 5/21/21; 6/4/21.
Bring POWER PACKS to the American Legion Post 177 parking lot (on the above dates, between 8:00 am – 9:00 am). Look for a white Ford F-150 to drop off your donations. Address: 3939 Oak St., Fairfax, VA 22030. Fairfax Lions take all donated food to “Food For Others.”
Putting a Power Pack Together: Use a 2 gallon size Ziploc Bag. Include shelf-stable, kid friendly and single-serving sized items. Each pack must have: 2 breakfast items, 2 lunch items, 2 dinner items, 2 snacks, and 2 drinks.
Breakfast: Oatmeal Packets, Cereal (Individual Sizes); Granola Bars, Nutri Grain Bars
Lunch/Dinner (two for each meal, so a total of four items): Chili Cups, Mac & Cheese Cups (single-serving), Tuna/ Chicken Salad Kits with Crackers, Chef Boyardee Ravioli
Snacks: Fruit Cups (in juice NOT syrup), Cheese & Crackers, Granola Bars Fruit Snacks, Dried Fruits
Drinks: 100% Fruit Juice, Capri Sun Juice Boxes, Shelf-stable Milk.
Please DO NOT include: Peanut butter or items that include peanut butter, candy, Pop-tarts, Vienna sausages, glass containers, high sugar items, apple sauce cups with tinfoil lids, or bottled water.