Archive for March, 2017

Charity Fund Raiser – Lions Dinner June 14th

Posted on March 27, 2017Comments are off

Join Fairfax Lions and guests, Wednesday, June 14th, for our monthly fund raising dinner at The Auld Shebeen restaurant, 3971 Chainbridge Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030.  This is a charity fund raiser!

Meet at 6:30 pm for Happy Hour prices on beverages & appetizers. Ask to “Sit with the Lions Group” in the Yeats Library dining room. Order from regular menu; separate checks; pay your own bill.

The Auld Shebeen donates 15% of what we spend to Fairfax Lions Charities – to help folks in our community!  Charity funds raised at this event enable us to purchase new eyeglasses for folks in our community who need corrective glasses but cannot afford to pay for them.

Parking: Old Town Plaza city garage, 3955 Chain Bridge Rd (access from Rte 123/Chain Bridge Rd or University Dr). Take elevator to 4th level, walk past plaza shops, cross North St at the light to The Auld Shebeen.

No reservations necessary. Questions:  leave a comment (click on Leave a comment  ), or send an email to…

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Vision Screening

Posted on March 4, 2017Comments are off

Fairfax Lions conducted vision screening as part of the Fairfax City Chocolate Lover’s Festival on Feb 4.  79 people were screened, using portable SPOT equipment. Most of the 79 were children, including two pairs of twins.  A total of 11, or 14%, were referred to an optometrist for a complete exam.

A Channel 12 camera crew filmed the vision screening as part of other activites.  It aired on Channel 12 (Fairfax City channel) on Feb 15 at 2PM and 6PM each day. This link is to a 30+ minute video; the Lions vision screening starts at about the 7:35 minutes mark:

These events are special because they involve lots of families. Parents want young children screened, and find they are amazed with the technology and also want to be screened. The biggest kudos came from adults and teenagers who realized that we could screen their vision while they are wearing glasses or contacts, and advise them if the prescription needs to be updated.  Our thanks to Fairfax City for hosting the event!

James Bland Youth Music Contest

Posted on March 4, 2017Comments are off

On February 12th, Fairfax Lions Club hosted its annual James Bland Music Contest.  Lions Clubs across Virginia run local contests to promote cultural and educational opportunities for musically talented young people (primarily of high school age). Winners compete to advance to State level contests. At State level, music scholarships are awarded to the top twelve finalists.

Ten pianists and three vocalists competed onFeb 12th. The instrumental winner was pianist Alexander Suh, an 8th grader at Lake Braddock Middle School, who performed “L’alouette (The Lark)” by Balakirev. The vocal winner was soprano Kirsten Tierney, a 7th grader at Longfellow Middle School, who sang “Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind” by Roger Quilter.   Alexander and Kirsten will compete in the Region III Bland Music Contest on Tuesday, March 14.

Contestants & Bland Chairperson Lion Jeff Root


Vocal contestants with judges