Fairfax Lions are pleased to help others in our community…
Fairfax Lions are pleased to help others in our community…
At our Lions Club meeting on May 18th, Blanche Anderson of the Fairfax Zonta Club told us that globally, 21% of girls are married before they turn 18.
Early marriage has many bad consequences for the child bride. They include: early end to education, lower wages and poverty, and higher risks of divorce/high-risk pregnancy/and disease and illness.
Blanche provided links to several web sites to better understand the problem: www.unchainedatlast.org and. www.stopchildmarriages.org www.tahirih.org and www.tahirih.org and https://www.zonta.org/Web/Programs/ISP/Ending_Child_Marriage
The Lions Clubs International “Kindness Matters Service Award” is given to only 20 Lions Clubs worldwide (of over 48,000 Lions Clubs). Fairfax Lions Club is honored to receive this award for our service to help relieve hunger in our community over the past year.
Fairfax Lions Club celebrates its 70th anniversary this year, with our “70 for 70” campaign. Club members were asked to generate donations of “70” …dollars, food, service hours – to help members of our community who are “food-insecure.”
On May 10th, we met at “Food for Others” (a Fairfax community food bank), and presented a Club check for $7070, individual donor checks totaling $1000, over 700 cans of food (weighing 791 lbs), and Power Packs (weekend meals for school age kids).