Youth Music Contest – Feb 16th

Posted on January 10, 2025Leave a comment

Each year, Lions Clubs across Virginia hold music competitions (the “James Bland Youth Music Contest”) for elementary, middle or senior high school (or home schooled) students. Top performers (both vocal and instrumental) receive scholarships.

Fairfax Lions Club’s competition begins at 2pm, Sunday, February 16, 2025, at Providence Presbyterian Church, 9019 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, VA. Best performers progress to higher level competitions.

Please submit your registration form (attached) not later than January 31st.

Samples of last year’s performances:

Let family, friends, and neighbors know, and encourage young musicians to sign up!

Welcome, 2025

Posted on January 1, 2025Leave a comment

May we be happy, may we be well, may we be blessed, and may we all be loved.  May our nation be strong and prosperous, and lead the world in meaningful actions enabling peace and stability for all.  May our Lions Club excel in providing important services to those in need.

Lions Holiday Party

Posted on December 23, 2024Leave a comment

After the December fruit sale, Fairfax Lions and guests joined for a holiday meal, cheerful camaraderie, and door prizes at the Chantilly Country Club. Not all Lion members could be there, but those present had a very nice time. The Lions mission is service, but we have a good time too!

December Fruit Sale in Progress

Posted on December 20, 2024Leave a comment

Thursday was opening day to fulfill customer preorders for the December sale. Weather was decent, all enjoyed the camaraderie, the fruit will be enjoyed! All proceeds go to Lions charity programs.

Fresh Fruit from FL, for December Fruit Sale

Posted on December 19, 2024Comments are off

To fulfill fruit orders from our great customers, the first step is to unload the delivery truck and stack over 300 cases of fresh fruit from FL…All proceeds for charity.

Woodson HS volunteers break down cases of fruit into smaller lots

December Food Baskets

Posted on December 19, 2024Comments are off

Fairfax Lions prepared holiday food baskets for families in the Fairfax area. As for the Thanksgiving holiday, working with partner MainStreet Child Development Center, we assembled baskets of food for local families. It’s a pleasure to help neighbors enjoy a good holiday meal.

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