Our dinner meeting guest speaker on October 6 was Ms. Kay Corbett. Kay is the author of “Calla Lilies: A True Story of Four Sisters and Their Struggle to Survive Abuse, Addiction, and Poverty in America.” We learned about life-long struggles of young people who suffer abuse, as told from Kay’s perspective as step-mother of 4 abused girls, and the insensitivity of our justice system to such problems. Of note: Fairfax County has set aside funding as a test to help treat victims of abuse who are now incarcerated; Kay considers this a big step forward.
More at: http://www.amazon.com/Calla-Lilies-Sisters-Struggle-Addiction/dp/1490536779
If you are interested in community service, and helping others, please consider attending a Lion’s dinner meeting – as our guest. Contact us at: https://fairfaxlions.org/contact-us/
We look forward to meeting you!