Our Club collects eyeglasses donated by members of our community; we help process those eyeglass at the Northern VA Lions Eyeglasses Recycling Center, and the fruits of that work – recycled eyeglasses – are distributed to help needy persons around the world see better.
Twice monthly, several members of our Club take donated eyeglasses to, and work a few hours at, the Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center. In Arlington, the center is in a Virginia Hospital Center building. Lions have their own entrance to the building.
In the recycling center, the first step is washing and inspecting the eyeglasses. The clean and serviceable eyeglasses are stored in “Washed” bins until volunteers can “process” them.
Teams from several local area Clubs process the eyeglasses using sophisticated machines in the Center that read the correction of each lens. The volunteers mark that correction factor on the plastic bag they put the eyeglass into. The product of this volunteer effort are eyeglasses that have been through the complete process, packaged and then shipped around the world to help others.
So, what are the measures of Fairfax Lions Club’s service at the recycling center? We track the number of Lions, and the hours they work at the Center each month, and the number of donated eyeglasses and hearing aids we collect and deliver to the center.
Service Delivered by Fairfax Lions to NoVA Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center
Volunteers Hours Glasses Hearing Aids
(For 12 months, Lions year 2017-2018)
90 193 7415 18
(And so far this year July-August, 2018)
11 22 2217 0